Latest on Osteoporosis and BMD (bone mineral density) testing

Most of the day was spent listening to various experts discuss the trends in bone mineral density testing and interpretation in the management of osteoporotic fractures. BMD testing is an important medical test. It helps your doctor determine your risk for fracture.Why is this important to know? Here are some recent facts from the osteoporosis Canada ( website: Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes bones to become porous and thin. This results in decreased bone strength and increased risk of fracture. The most common sites of fracture are in the spine, hip, shoulder and wrist. Fractures in the elderly can result in disfigurement, low self-esteem, reduction or loss of mobility and decreased independence. At least one in three women and one in five men will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime. The cost to the healthcare system is enormous.

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